this is horrible ): hopefully my mom decides to be nice and lift the ban or something.
like, no internet no itunes no music, will have to survive with the ipod plugged to speakers or something =X
so yeah, i'll blog once i get access to the computer,
meanwhile please continue to tag! :D
tag replies to today
christina: heys.. if u dun rmb i'm da gurl hu shares ur bdae.. hahas.. link me kaes?? then cn cum tag:)) takkaire {hearts}
{HELLO CHRISTINA! we share the same birthday, live on the same block, got eeyores as presents, likes the same takopachi flavour, and goes to the same church [which is rare cause there ain't much catholics in ahs]! this is so qiao omg! yup you're linked, tagging in a few minutes' time! :D}
YINGZHI: i was really disappointed to see so little people wearing green on the streets yesterday.
{its really disappointing right? i thought i would be blinded by green or something, and i found myself the only one wearing green in the busstop. =X let's continue to do our part! ^^}
-SHIPEI-: EMMA YO!;DD i see lotsa lovely pics (((: anw dat supermanhamster is ohsocuteee xD
{SHIPEI YO! =DD haha yupyup, pics are nice and superhamster is veryyy cuteee right xDD like okay seeyou on monday wheee!}
chengkor: hey, are you goin to the SAM with the fat woman teacher on sunday?
{hellohello! and yupyup! the 9:15 one, you going not? and i just screwed my acrylic painting la, too many details or something T.T}
baochuan: haha sarah&james yo. ;D they're really nice people. ahhhh. (:
{haha yupyup sarah&james yesyes! like yeah, they're always smiling and all. all of us missed them so much huh!}
ELAIN: emma ah! i want seeee youuu! haha!

{haha hellohello elain! i want to seeyou toooo! xDD hmm, maybe we can like meet up like during december or something yes! :DD}
YINGZHI: yarr!! i thought i would be seeing like a sea of green. AND THATS NOT SHREK'S HAIRBAND!! alot of pple thought its shrek's hairband hahah
{T.T right! nevermind maybe they ran out of green shirts, lets just hope they'll do the 3 Rs haha ^^ and the colour like shrek hairband haha! its cute luh! xD}
leongying`: i think i may be banned too ):
{were you banned because of orals or something =/ being banned from com is not nice laa, my ipod's gna be my saviour or something till thursday luh!}
and yup thanks for tagging! ^^
right and i fell asleep during maths tuition,
art class wasn't a accomplished session, i still like watercolour much more ):
i'm just slow i guess, took damn long cause there were alot of details!
hoho xiner's biscuit stuff was nice, and we talked so loudly or sth,
the teacher got damn fed up with us .__.
nothing much to say i guess, walked to bugismrt with yeeteng and i went to pee =.=
and i had to walk straight home, got myself banned from the com cause i played before dinner,
and so its byebye to msn and this lovely blog and itunes and videos and games for around 3 days!
so if there's anything you need to ask me about or if you're feeling bored just like i am,
please sms me, or call me or whatever if not i'll feel detatched and isolated from the outside world, thanks.
on another note, my sms has bao-ed by alot again so uhh, maybe you could call me -.-|||
one sentence to sum it all: i'm so dead after i get my phone bill on the 16th, lets hope i survive these 3 days and i'll be studying for orals?!?!?!
terrible headache now, i want to use the com lah zzz.
and tag please haha! :D
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